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  • Writer's pictureCharlotte White


Ok so I know this is a BIG call, but there is one thing I ALWAYS stand by when it comes to creating content that connects.

It has COMPLETELY changed me from anxious at that blinking cursor, to creating custom content my client's audiences will love.

And that advice is this:

You are NEVER going to feel like what you create for your business is 100% perfect, and the moment we learn to embrace imperfection, everything becomes better.

And in fact, I remember when I first started Char White Writes, I was so caught up every day on not being “perfect” that I was doing my own head in, and being caught in that loop was making it even HARDER to create content the way I wanted.

So this is your reminder today that imperfect content is the perfect way forward.

And you can start to achieve this by:

Just START that blog you've been meaning to write since the beginning of the year.

Just START writing to your email list and sharing what you do.

Just START posting on social media, the killer captions will come.

Just START uploading copy to your website to share what you do with the world.

And if you need more support on embracing imperfect content creation? These additional resources may help you.

I share so many industry tips and tricks on the blog at Char White Writes and over on my Instagram.

Have you had struggles with perfection before?

Either comment below or send me an email to let me know, I’d love to hear your experience or help in any way I can.

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